The weird little life of mine

Yeah...this is the blog of Billy P., a really weird and bored dude.

Sunday, August 20, 2006

The Countdown to Back to School Begins

In like, five days, I'm gonna be hauling my ass back to school. At least the crazy people in my states school board decided to start school on a Friday, because during that weekend, I'll be getting my last taste from the drink that is summer. I will miss it so.

At least I now have PhotoShop now, so my comics will now look more professional. It's an old version, like 7.0, which was made in 2002. At least it has all of capabilities of the other PhotoShops. I'm gonna try to get CS, and that will take a while. To the Google Mobile!

I deleted all of my characters in Guild Wars because they sucked. I didn't level then up properly at the right time, and now all of the monsters kick my ass. Now I have started over as a Monk/Ranger and will now level up and finish all of my quests. I hope.

I've been playing a bit of Halo. The people at KoF have been pretty nice and they gave me a warm welcome. They've been complimenting me on my playing styles and my strategies. They even learned my victory dance (Crouch up and down repeatedly next to a dead body you killed so that they can watch you gloat as they wait to respawn. Works well in ten second respawn matches.). It was very satisfying.

That's all for now.


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