The weird little life of mine

Yeah...this is the blog of Billy P., a really weird and bored dude.

Friday, June 02, 2006


I hated my day today! My fatass little sister wouldn't get the fuck out of my room! Now she messed it up after I cleaned it, and she left her fatass germs everywhere! She tried to use my dad's keys to get into my room, so I went out to get the keys. But then she stood by my room while it was locked, so I couldn't open it until she left! She seemingly left the area around my door, but she ran back as soon as I unlocked it, so she stayed in my room for thirty straight minutes! I tried to get her out, but she was so fuckin' heavy! She kept on jumping around my room with her fatass self, so now I have to reclean it! I AM SO PISSED!!!!!! Dammit! I need to let out some steam!!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!


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